Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Big Pimpin

It's official. Megan and I are collaborating on a book idea. Thank you Dr. McMahon for the wonderful idea. I'm thinking about turning this idea into a blog. If the blog catches on, maybe people will submit their stuff and it can go into our book. I'm not sure how that works, but since its just an idea right now I'll worry about it later.

Tonight, we watched Inglourious Basterds.

Next week, we will probably analyze the language/subtitles and traditional film techniques in the movie. Because it's interesting. And I have no job.

Tomorrow though, is Application Thursday. I'm sure filling out job apps is a lot more fun than it sounds.

I will also probably look up material on grad schools. Again, because I have no job.

On another note, I vote that next year for Christmas, we all go out and buy ourselves gifts. If we choose, we can wrap them and open them in front of friends/family. Everybody will (or should) be happy with their gifts. That way, there is no guess work involved and I won't have to wander aimlessly around stores searching for something my friends want. This is a good idea.


Murph said...

and suddenly our whole conversation from Thursday makes a heck of alot more sense.

kasey mckinzie said...

I just assumed you could read my mind.

But I forget.

You're not Davis. haha :)