Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Good News:

> Kix gets to come home tomorrow! I've been visiting him at the vet's and he looks like he feels a lot better. I think he may be happier with 3 legs than 4.

> Gracie gets fixed tomorrow. No more pimpin out pups.

> Sunday, Jenny, Meg, and I went to watch the orchestra in Norman. It rocked. Then we went to Barnes and Noble to have coffee and browse the books. Meg and I bought Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to start our unofficial book club. We want to read things neither of us have read before. I think Brothers Grimm may be next, but that's as far as we thought it through. Suggestions?

> Yesterday, I had wine night with Jill and Mikie. Always fun.

> Friday, I'm going to Southeastern to watch Grease. I am especially excited about this b/c I've learned how to play the intro to Summer Nights.

> Saturday is Meg's birthday. We will be celebrating at Club Rodeo. Every time I go there, I want to pretend it's Halloween and wear boots and...uh, really country things (I'm at a loss for what cowgirls wear...plaid shirts?).

> I found out that Hope is coming back to Ada for a visit soon.

> I am the official owner of Zombieland. And AI comes on tonight.

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