Saturday, March 13, 2010

Livin in a Gangsta's Paradise

So I just got done eating at Chili's. There's a slight jiggle in my wiggle, and I don't mean in a good way. Damn Sherman.

Anyways, I've been obsessed with old movies lately. I now own:
-An Affair to Remember
-His Girl Friday
-Woman of the Year
-Adam's Rib
-Bringing up Baby
-The Philadelphia Story
-A Farewell to Arms
-The Road to Rio
-The Road to Bali
-the Doris Day/ Rock Hudson collection

and I've been on a TCM kick. It's Ginger Rogers month on the movie channel, so they've been showing a lot of her movies with Fred Astaire.

In other news, I had my first day of substitute teaching this past week. How...interesting. I had one kid tell me I was his favorite sub, but that was before I yelled at the class. No wonder teachers want summers off. It wasn't a horrible experience and I'll do it again, but I was just as relieved as the kid were when that last bell rang.

Thug Lyfe.


Murph said...

it's going to take like 3 days of subbing to pay for those movies. just saying.

kasey mckinzie said...

haha I already owned some of them. it's more like a small collection of old movies i have. i did buy the katharine hepburn ones though, but they all came together. on sale. bonus.

and i'm okay with working to pay off my movie habits. for now. i may change my mind after 3 days of subbing.

Murph said...

surely there's some fun in Italy?

kasey mckinzie said...

it's too late. i have an interview wednesday at taco bell.

Murph said...

hahahahah! I have a lead on a project manager job in Tulsa. here's the link to the organization. I'll let you know when I know more. a friend of mine is on the board.

kasey mckinzie said...

sounds good.