Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oh Dear

I think i need to say..Um, bad?
And no, its not to you..whoever you are.

So I went to Polo's last night and had a drink with Patti (my old boss at the Frog). She told me Debbie was leasing out the Frog to someone so they could reopen it. I'm thinking a) its not going to stay open too long, because the person who she leased it out to has a reputation for flaking on his business partners and b) Debbie can kick rocks. Seriously.

And tonight is my grandpa's surprise birthday party. I'm taking Loralei with. Free food anyone? Plus, I love my family, but sometimes its good to have an out. They can be...well, you'd have to meet them to understand. And good luck with that because there are SO many. I still dont know everybody's names...I refer to some people as "brocolli and cheese lady" and "girl with tiny cute kid" ..and there are like 3 Ronnie's, who i get mixed up with the Lonnie's and just need an OUT.


Murph said...

heh. I have family I refer to as...aren't you from the Colgate side of the family? I have a cousin named Coke. He's the only one who I remember his name. So, yeah, I get it. Take a friend. Eat the broc and cheese. Then, bail.

kasey mckinzie said...

a cousin named coke? just wondering, but did you ever find out exactly how he got that name?