Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Creeper Update

So, I was about to get in my car tonight when...Creeper comes across the street with Wannabe Cowboy and asks if they can get a ride. I said "no" and then mumbled something about not having enough gas. It didn't take me long to get in my car and lock the doors. Creeper has his own van to drive around in. I know it works because I saw him driving it down our street earlier today. I remember hoping there weren't any kids around since he seems like the type of guy that would lure small children into his van with candy.
On a side note, if somebody lets you sleep on their couch because you are too inebriated to go home, the least you could do is NOT piss on it...Just puttin that out there...


Murph said...

You're NEVER sleeping on my couch. Guilty by association, I say.

Rachel said...

I think you should stay as far away from that van as possible.

kasey mckinzie said...

I try. It's across the street though...better than right next to my house, which is where it used to be.