Friday, November 13, 2009

I Am Them

Woman Calls the Cops On… Herself

Clark County, Wisconsin - 911 dispatchers often get calls from people observing an impaired driver on the road. What makes the call Mary Strey made unique, is that she called 911 on herself.

"Somebody's really drunk driving down Granton Road," she told the 911 dispatcher.

The dispatcher asked if the Strey was behind the drunk driver, to which she replied "No, I am them."

The dispatcher asked, "Okay, so you're calling to report you're driving drunk?"

"Yes," Strey said.

The dispatcher told Strey to pull her vehicle over, and she complied. She waited for a deputy to arrive with her hazard lights flashing. According to the police report, Strey failed field sobriety tests, and a preliminary breath test showed she had a blood alcohol content of .19, more than twice the legal limit to drive.

She was given a citation for operating a vehicle with a prohibited alcohol content of .10 or more. She's due in court in December, facing charges of first offense operating under the influence.


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