Friday, November 20, 2009

Oh Yes I Did.

After the conference, we stopped at a circus cemetary in Hugo on our way back. It was wierd...And cool. Except for the part where something fell out of a tree, landed on my face and bit my chin. Yes, I got stung/bit by some unknown insect. And then I got chased by bees (or something else that buzzes). I think there was a spirit out to get me. Probably because I was stomping on her headstone. I didn't mean to though. I was reading it and a creepy spider crawled across it. Instincts kicked in and after about the 3rd stomp, my friends were asking what the hell I was doing. By the time we left, my swollen chin and I had aquired a disdain for pine trees and cob-webbed headstones.

On our way back from Hugo, we thought of what disease and dessert we would be. I decided I'd be alzheimers and...something chocolate.


Murph said...

cemeteries rock.

TRock said...

those are headstones, Murph, headstones.